小澤一也 「媒介 intermediary」
2024年11月2日(土)− 11月24日(日)
Open. 13:00 − 18:00
Close. 火・水・木
オブジェクト・家具 展示・販売(受注制作の作品あり)
ギャラリーあ 静岡県浜松市中央区曳馬5–4–65(天野寛志建築計画事務所 1F)
建築家・ギャラリスト 天野寛志
1981 静岡県生まれ
2007工房開設 受賞歴 国際工芸アワードとやま2020入選 など多数
■作家在廊日: 11/2(土)、3(日)、23(土)、24(日)
■トークイベント[要申込・無料]: 11/23(土) 15:00 – 16:00
※お申し込みは右メール(gallery@amnhrs-a.jp )宛に氏名・人数をお知らせください
Kazuya Ozawa 「intermediary」
2024.11.2 (sat) − 11.24 (sun)
Open. 13:00 − 18:00 Close. Tue, Wed,
Thu Object, furniture / Exhibition & sales (Some pieces are made to order)
Gallery A 5–4–65 Hikuma, Chuo-ku, Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka Prefecture(Hiroshi Amano & Associates 1F)
“Objects” are works that emerge from carefully carving blocks of wood by hand. Their clearly controlled forms give off a sense of tension and make them seem sacred. However, when you look closely at the details, you can see a humorous quality that is akin to amusement, and they seem familiar. Ozawa wants his “objects” to be intermediaries that connect him to others and the world, companions to himself, and saviors to others and the world.
Kazuya Ozawa creates “objects” and “furniture” through woodworking. In this exhibition, we will display drawings and sketches, books that influenced the artist, and scenes from his studio along with his works. By imagining the artist’s thoughts behind his works, we will attempt to gain a broader perspective of his works. Please take this opportunity to see it.
Architect & Gallerist Hiroshi Amano
Artist’s profile:
1981 Born in Shizuoka
2004 Bachelor of Arts degree at Shizuoka Univercity of Art and Culture
2007 Opend his own workshop . Awards: International KOGEI Award in TOYAMA 2020 and many more.
■Artist in the gallery: 11/2(sat)、3(sun)、23(sat)、24(sun)
■Gallery Talk [reservation required, free admission] : 11/23(sat) 15:00 – 16:00
Guest:Keisuke Mori(curator of Chiba City Museum of Art)
※For reservation, please send an email to gallery@amnhrs-a.jp with your name and number of people.
#小澤一也 #kazuyaozawa #ギャラリーあ #artgallery #contemporaryart